One of the most difficult problems about running a small business is trying to stay on top of your waste generation. It can easily get out of hand, and with all of the different environmental targets that businesses need to set and hit, things get even more difficult.

You don’t have to go it alone though. By hiring a waste management company to help take care of your waste, you can have someone in your corner to help strategise and plan the best ways to dispose of your waste, as well as methods to limit waste generation in the first place. Let’s take a look at why you need a waste management expert for your business in greater detail.

Brown Recycling waste management plant


You are legally responsible for your waste

Under the Environmental Protection Act, each business with a physical address has a duty of care for the storage, documentation, transfer and disposal of their waste in line with the law. Failure to do this could result in fines or, in particularly severe cases, revoked trading licenses.

Having to manage all of this whilst also trying to run a successful business can be extremely taxing for business owners, which is why many people choose to hire a waste management company to help them with this side of their company. A reputable waste management company will understand intimately all of the relevant laws surrounding the segregation and disposal of waste, meaning that they will be able to offer invaluable advice and devise a waste management plan that will work long term for you.


A waste management business will save you precious time

If you tried to get to grips with the law surrounding business waste disposal as well as handling all of the disposal requirements yourself, you would be severely limiting the amount of time you would need to spend on other aspects of your business. For the majority of UK businesses, this sort of split attention just isn’t feasible, making hiring a waste management partner a necessity. With all of your waste disposal needs covered, you will be able to focus solely on the parts of your business that will help you generate profit.


It’s cost effective

While you might think initially that hiring a waste management partner to help dispose of your waste and optimise your processes is just an additional cost that your business will have to absorb, when you actually consider how much it would cost to organise the disposal yourself, you quickly realise that hiring expert waste management is the most cost-effective option.

A waste management company will be able to provide all the necessary waste containers to suit your specific needs, and of course they will bring their own vehicles to collect them in. They will also cover things like the landfill taxes and gate fees – just more stuff that you won’t need to worry about!



A good waste management company will be able to adapt to your needs on the fly and act quickly. Are you now producing more of a specific type of waste material and need an additional container? All you have to do is let your team know and the changes will be made immediately. It’s this sort of flexibility which can be a lifesaver during turbulent times.


Brown Recycling is Stoke-on-Trent’s leading waste management company. Need some help getting your waste under control? Just give us a call today and let’s discuss your requirements.


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